Let’s talk about Spanish typical cuisine, paella Spain is a one of the largest producers of this fragrant and colorful spice used in many dishes. We can enjoy essential ingredient by Spanish cuisine thank you for his fertile land. In this week’s post of The Touring Pandas, we are going to talk about the Spanish

What a good, Japanese food!!
Try Japanese food at gourmet city, Barcelona Nowadays Japanese food is one of the most popular cuisine in the world. Also in Barcelona you can find many restaurants to enjoy sushi, ramen and matcha. Actually, you can find a couple of shops in a same square in some zones of Barcelona. In this week’s blog

Tarragona from Barcelona: Food, Nature & Fun
Tarragona from Barcelona: Food, Nature & Fun

Tarragona from Barcelona: Explore the Incredible South of Catalonia Although Barcelona and the northern province of Girona are the most popular destinations in Catalonia, it’s a good idea to look South as well. The southern province of Catalonia is Tarragona, and it’s full of surprises waiting for you to discover. In this beautiful piece of

Best Restaurants in Barcelona: Our Top 5
Best restaurants in Barcelona: where to eat authentic local food Book a Free Tour of Barcelona More and more, food is becoming an essential part of travel. When we travel to Paris, or Rome, or Barcelona, we want to try the local specialty as much as we want to visit the Eiffel Tower, the Colosseum