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Jubilee 2025: A Unique Rome

Jubilee 2025: A Unique Rome

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What better time to visit Rome than in 2025? Since 1300, every 25 years the Great Jubilee has been celebrated. This Catholic event, which runs throughout the year, has a historic significance of restoring the right relationship with God, others, and creation. The theme of Jubilee 2025, “Pilgrims of Hope,” declared by Pope Francis, is

Barcelona in 2 days - Sant Pau hospital

Barcelona in 2 days: the perfect plan

Barcelona in 2 days: the perfect plan

Barcelona in 2 days - Sant Pau hospital , , , ,

Barcelona in 2 days: the perfect 48 hours in Barcelona Book a Free Tour of Barcelona! Barcelona is one of the most popular destinations in Europe, and once you visit it, you’ll know why! There is so much to see and so much to do, that visiting Barcelona in 2 days may be a bit


Why Visit Barcelona: The City After the Pandemic

Why Visit Barcelona: The City After the Pandemic

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Why visit Barcelona after the coronavirus pandemic? Some reasons to travel again. Some months ago, Barcelona was a city that attracted millions of travellers every year. People from all over the world chose Barcelona because of its unique architecture, first-class heritage, wonderful weather, and excellent gastronomy. Visitors from the five continents wanted to visit the